Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First Blood!

This is my first post .The title of my blog says "The Chronicles" ,though "Confused"or "To do or not" would have been more suitable. The reason being the battle between a strong wish to express thoughts and my life-long habit of laziness. Anyways lets see what happens in near future -
either the world will get to know a new "P.G.Wodehouse" or this would be my last post on this blog.


vijay said...

yeah a true coep guy :)
will never do something if it does not hav any marks tag attached wid it :P

Shantanu said...

welcome to blogosphere! :)

Papillon said...

i am really surprised to see 'YOU' in the blogging...( because may be i know how lazy u r ...:P)

Harshvardhan Pande said...

i've just finished reading ur entire set of blog posts and all da posts r gr8!
lookin forward to some kick ass posts during the upcoming holiday season!

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